Producer - Federico Pacas Lopez

Varietal - Red Bourbon

Process - fully washed, sun dried & black honey

Origin - El Salvador, La Montañita, Santa Ana


Mel's Brew recipe:

Method: Aeropress

Ratio: 17g in / 220g out

Grind: EK 7.8

Water temp: 96

70g bloom, swirl, wait 40s add the remaining 150g (220tot)
At 1:30 press, add 30g of water. Inverted or upright with flow restrictor




Petrona Palacios de Díaz purchased this wonderful tract of land in 1927
with the intention of planting bourbon coffee trees. It was inherited by her
daughter, Petrona Díaz de Pacas, in 1950, who four years later planted
the first Pacas trees in the “Pacas Viejo” lot. Petrona divided the land into
three sections when she was ready to retire from coffee production. She
had one for each of her sons. Federico Pacas Díaz became the proprietor
of Finca Santa Petrona in this manner. Since 2012, his only son, Federico
Pacas Lopez, has maintained the farm, which consists of 11 lots. The
Parras System is utilised on all bourbon trees on this farm, with branches
stretched as horizontally as possible.

When Federico Pacas Díaz, the father of the current owner, inherited
Finca Santa Petrona in 1989, he also purchased Finca El Rosario, a
28-hectare farm in Santa Ana and began developing Café Tuxpal.
Over the years, he developed the business and installed a wet mill to
gain experience and independence in processing his cherries. When
Federico’s son, Federico Pacas Lopez, took over the business in 2012,
Café Tuxpal was made up of six farms, a wet mill, and a dry mill.
Café Tuxpal is now involved in the entire coffee supply chain: farming,
processing, exporting, roasting, and coffee shops. In addition to
processing the cherries from its own farms, Café Tuxpal also buys
cherries from neighbourhood farmers. Lots are, as much as possible, kept
and processed separately to let the coffee express its intrinsic flavours.
Finca Santa Petrona is well-known for its black honey as well as natural
processed lots. Honey processing, in general, emphasises the sweetness
of the bean and is distinguished on three levels: black, red, and white. The
colours correspond to the quantity of cherry left on the bean during the

drying process. The more fruit remaining, the sweeter and more fruit-
driven the profile in the cup. Black honey has the most cherry remaining on the bean.



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