Producer - Gatomboya

Varietal - Peaberry

Process - Natural

Origin - Kenya, Nyeri District


Mel's Brew recipe:

Method: v60

Ratio: 15g in / 250g out

Grind: EK 8

Water temp: 95

50 g bloom wait 40 s, pour the rest (200) up to 250




Gatomboya is a Kikuyu word meaning “swamp” due to the swampy area surrounding the site.

The washing station is located in the Nyeri District near the south of Mount Kenya and part of the Barichu Cooperative Society, the factory sits at 1800 metres, around 4km from the town of Karatina, the 600 registered members cultivate coffee between 1400 and 2000 meter above sea level.

The station processes around 600 tons of cherry annually which is harvested between November and December, the producers in the area mainly cultivate SL34 and SL28, alongside the newer Ruiru 11 variety in a terroir constituted of rich volcanic, sandy soil.

Smallholders selectively handpick only ripe cherry and deliver it to Gatomboya Factory, at the factory gate the Cherry Clerk oversees the intake process via meticulous visual sorting and floating, accepting only dense, ripe cherry.  

After floating, cherries are pulped and fermented for 16 to 24 hours.

Following fermentation, coffee is washed clean water and soaked for 8 to 14 hours.

Then, parchment is laid to dry on raised beds, the factory staff rake parchment frequently to ensure even drying and they ensure that parchment is covered during the hottest time of day, to maintain slow, even drying and at night, to protect the parchment from moisture approximately 21 days is the right time for the parchment to dry before being removed and stored in the factory warehouse, ready to be delivered to the auction for marketing.



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