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Costa Rica, Tarrazú
Varietal : Caturra
Process: Black Honey
Altitude: 1,600 masl

Melon, honey, blackberry, jam, chocolate

Mario Jiménez Gamboa made a transition from rearing livestock and growing cabuya (a fibrous plant that can be used to make rope) to growing coffee, and 40 years later his family are still producing coffee on Los Manzanos. On this 2 hectare farm, coffee plants are grown in rows 2 metres apart, with the trees in each row 1 metre apart. These plants are meticulously cared for with selective pruning and organic fertilisers utilised to optimise the harvest. The Jiménez Chacón family work with other crops too, including avocados, bananas, yucca, sweet mandarins, lemons and vegetables, however these are mainly for their own consumption.